Located in the heart of High Level, you find this extremely well maintained, upgraded 6,000 sq.ft. commercial building with 3 offices, 2 bathrooms, coffee room, reception desk, display area and reception spaces. The front end has an built in oak reception desk, 1 office, 12′ x 14′, has a beautiful built in oak desk and luxurious carpeting, the 15′ x 14′ coffee room features oak cabinets, reception area and additional office, 14′ x 10′, both have carpeted flooring. Walking through the man door, you find a 24′ x 46′ interior shop complete with storage rooms, in floor sump & your Rainbird Sprinkler system control box. Large openings lead you to the very back where you have an additional 60′ x 40′ shop which is home to the air compressor & work bench. Out the back, there is tons of parking space available as well as a secure cold storage compartment. Off the side is a fenced area to hold any equipment that needs to be secured. The rebuilt roof features styro foam, then plywood and topping it off, new metal sheeting. In addition to this you have new tin on the interior walls, central vac, central air & on demand H2o. Keeping the lawn maintained to the lush green “carpeted” feeling is the underground sprinkler system and your customers have no worries with where to park as there is a large, paved parking lot on the side of the building. Add to this the peace of mind you will have with the security system in place. (id:3082)


  • Year Built1981
  • HeatingForced Air,
  • CoolingCentral Air Conditioning


    • Security
    • Floor Coverings
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