Spiritwood Carlton Inn is a motel with prime location along highway 3 in Spiritwood, SK. The motel was built in 1973 and has been in operation since. There are 14 rooms for rental as well as a suite for living quarters if the owners need or can be used as staffing area. There are laundry facilities on site, each room is air conditioned and independently heated, and some rooms have kitchenettes as well as a couple rooms have ability to adjoin. The roof was redone in 2014, and in 2019 there were many updates completed including furnishings in the rooms, some of the bathrooms, and the water heating system. Annual taxes are $4475 paid to the Town of Spiritwood. Sellers are quite motivated to sell so if youre thinking of owning your own business, contact for more information or to book a viewing of the property. (id:3082)


  • Year Built1973
  • HeatingFurnace


    • Security
    • Floor Coverings
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