An absolutely amazing office space with great access. Lots of parking for your customers and staff members. Your business will be located in one of the most sought after locations in West Abbotsford. It is a mixed use opportunity so you will have an ideal location for your type of business. If you are looking to expand with little or no down time, this space is in a move in ready condition. High end mill work has been done in this office which has a luxurious feel. There are 2 entrances available, direct at office level on the second floor and from the ground level. This complex is well looked after and has a variety of other businesses from food services to other business and personal services. This 2516 SqFt space is ready for your business ideas. There are limited opportunities of this size, style and location in Abbotsford. Freeway and Airport access is within 10 minutes. Industrial zone is a short drive away, less than 5 minutes. Call to see this amazing plug and play Office. (id:3082)


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