Excellent investment property for a total of 6 rentals units + a 29×20 heated garage w/ high ceilings & cement pad. which could be rented. The lot is approx. 1/2 acre with the 4 single bed rm self contained units each with parking and BBQ area. The main house is divided top and bottom. The main fl is a 3 bed rm w/4 pc bath rm. The basement unit is a 2 bed. rm w/ shared laundry. This home also has covered parking available. The whole property is on town water & sewer and is fully rented. Note the on site property manager pays 300.00 plus utilities mtly. The landlord pays for the heat & hydro for the main house. (id:3082)


  • SubdivisionCobalt
  • HeatingBaseboard Heaters,Forced Air
  • Sewer/SepticMunicipal Sewage System


    • Security
    • Floor Coverings
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